our wedding blog

The Vintage Heirloom Wedding Crown
Restoring this bride’s old family heirloom beaded wedding crown returned it to majestic millinery glamour for this Philadelphia wedding.

My Great Grandmother's Wedding Veil
Repurposing vintage wedding veils into gorgeous accessories is the latest bridal trend. Olivia restyled her great-grandmothers into floral hairpins.

Fourteenth: Nine Ideas For Repurposing a Vintage Headpiece
Looking to repurpose your mother’s vintage headpiece or grandmother’s old crown? We have nine ideas that will get you excited to restyle it and wear it down the aisle.
Fourteenth: Repurposing Mom's Headpiece and Veil
Repurposing your mom’s vintage headpiece and veil is becoming one of our most sought-after design services. See how two of our recent brides restyled theirs.

Fourteenth: My Nanny Wore It First
Restoring this old 1950s vintage Juliet cap-style lace headpiece was a miracle. It became the talk of Vitina’s wedding day!

Fourteenth: The Bride I Loved The Most
A story from my heart about the bride I loved the most

Fourteenth: From F.I.T. to Headpiece.com
The first generation of brides tell the story of the beginning of Headpiece.com

Fourteenth: Missing Mom
It is time to plan the wedding. The only thing that is missing is Mom.